Closing the Gap
A Collaboration of Two Pediatric Units

Caitlin Carlson
Davis 7 & Tower 6 Joint Pediatric Unit Based Practice Council


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POSTER - #PI1046

Closing the Gap - A Collaboration of Two Pediatric Units

Caitlin Carlson
Davis 7 & Tower 6 Joint Pediatric Unit Based Practice Council

In 2016, Tower 6 Pediatrics opened to help accommodate the need for additional beds within the UC Davis Children’s Hospital. Combined with Davis 7 Pediatrics, the acute inpatient pediatric population expanded to 48 beds.

The charter was reviewed and the following changes were adopted by the two units

● Up to 8 CNII’s and CNIII’s with an equal mix of day and night shift members from both the Davis 7 andTower 6 units
● One AN II from either shift from either unit for a total of 2 AN IIs

● Chair – Three year combined term (term (one year as Chair-Elect, one year as Chair, one year as Past Chair).
● The Chair will be a CNII, CNIII in a
non-supervisory position. The Chair must be a member of Davis 7 /Tower 6 Joint Pediatric Practice. Council and attend all meetings and events. The Chair positions should rotate between staff members from the two pediatric units Davis 7 or Tower 6 pediatrics.

May 2019- Both units have been under the leadership of the same Nurse Manager. Tower 6 and Davis 7 Pediatrics developed a shared vision that drew on the strengths of both units. Through a joint Unit Based Practice Council (UBPC), we can better serve our pediatric patients and their families. Furthermore, the two units are able to share resources and knowledge. Although each unit is unique in its own right, we recognize that drawing on our varied backgrounds and experiences to tackle complex problems is mutually beneficial.

A joint practice council is only the beginning. Here are other examples of how we have worked to further combine the two units and foster a collaborative environment:

• The monthly staff meetings are combined with our manager and staff from both units.
• Annual shared skills day
• Recently, Tower 6 Pediatrics has been included in the Sacramento State nursing student’s clinical rotations.
• Opportunities for staff on each unit to help out on either unit for both shifts
• Charge/relief charge support from sister unit
• Fun “off the floor” activities have been planned and made available for nurses on both units to attend, for example:
• Nurses Night at the San Francisco Giants game
• The Donut Dash
• Ragnar Relay Races
Conclusions & Further Study
We may be located in different parts of the hospital but we are closing that gap for the greater good of our patients.

Council Membership 2019-2020
Karen Wojciechowski RN-BSN (Chair), Mallory Keene RN-BSN (Chair-elect), Jessica Yen RN-BSN, Chris Martinez RN-BSN (Past-chair), Janet Rowe, RN-BSN, Julia Huerta, RN-BSN,
Jessica Shanley RN-BSN, Maggie Ayala-Mora, RN-BSN, Meredith Roth RN-BSN,
Kimberly McNamara RN-BSN, Caitlin Carlson RN-BSN, Wing Watson RN-BSN,
Shirley Shingara RN-BSN (ANII), Ka Suen Hung, RN-BSN (ANII), Angie Marin RN-MSN (manager)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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